Eva Joyce V. Cabantog / March 24, 2023, 9:19 a.m.
Image Credits: Eva Joyce V. Cabantog
City Savings Bank, in partnership with the City Schools Division of Binan City, conducts Project PINK: Breast Cancer Awareness Program on March 21, 2023, at SDO Binan Training Hall. The program aims to raise awareness among DepEd personnel on prevention and early breast cancer detection to reduce the risk of breast cancer cases among women or even men. Mrs. Mary Joy L. Cabiles welcomed the participants and guests. She shared a short story about her colleague and how she was unable to win over breast cancer. Dr. Vitus Talla, Surgery Oncologist provided a list of early detection steps relative to breast cancer. He gave possible risk factors that may lead to cancer. He also enumerated different assessments conducted by doctors with regard to the detection of the disease. Mrs. Lizette O. Buenaseda shared her experience during her fight against Breast Cancer. She inspired the participants by sharing her life lessons and her strengthened faith in God. Dr. Rochelle Mergal delivered her word of thanks and highlighted the importance of prioritizing health over anything.